Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is what my life has come to! :)

Yesterday I was taking a load of laundry to our room & heard a crash, I came into the living room to find my 2 "sweet" children in the middle of this mess....... Which isn't too bad I know, but I'm sure the worst is yet to come.

Monday, June 8, 2009


We took our second trip of the year to the beach Memorial Day weekend and AGAIN the weather wasn't great. It's been kind of the pits both times we have been this year, but we're holding out hope for July 4th, usually the weather in July is great 90 degrees, SOLID sunshine and NO breeze. We have been trying to spend as much time outside as possible since we were isolated all winter, we took the babies to the pool at Todd's mom's over the weekend and they loved it. I need to get a little float for them to sit in so that they can be more free, when we are holding them, they just want to get down, not knowing that they will sink right now!! G got a contact lens for his right eye last week and it is going well. It did not go so well the first time we tried to take it out, but it has gotten better. He also got a new RX for his glasses and seems to be able to see much better. He & L are both crawling all over the place and starting to get into everything. Baby-proofing has officially started in our house!! Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks.

My little beach babe!